• Who knew garlic could be beautiful? Music Garlic is wrapped in white parchment skin with the slightest hints of pink or purple that makes this aesthetically pleasing hardneck garlic variety stand out. Since it can store well for months on end, this hardy vegetable offers the durability needed to ensure you’re never far from the robust and piquant flavor of this rich garlic. While you can expect a fair to sultry kick when you eat Music Garlic before cooking, heating brings out a whole new flavor that adds a unique flare to just about any dish.
  • Originally introduced to North America in the early 1900’s by Doukhobor Russian immigrants, Russian Red Garlic is a northwestern heirloom variety named after their slightly purple coloration. Unlike white garlic, the Russian Red variation is very easy to peel, and the typical bulb yields between 6-8 cloves. Fans of this popular spice appreciate the initial strong, pungent taste followed by a uniquely warm, sweet, long-lasting aftertaste. It’s also convenient that harvest occurs in late June to early July. Russian Red Garlic is set apart from other varieties in its ability to withstand wet winter soils. Following harvest, bulblets from the seed head can be planted to produce more Russian Red Garlic after two years.
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